The First International Symposium on Long March
China Research Institute for International Reportage (CRIIR)
Chairman Mr. Wang Xiaobin, Opening Remarks
中国国际报告文学研究会会长 王晓滨 致开幕词:
著名记者、作家 索尔兹伯里在他的著名报告文学《长征:前所未闻的故事》中说:
CRIIR, Chairman Wang, Opening Remarks:
▪ Distinguished President of the Edgar Snow Memorial Foundation, Nancy Hill and delegates;
▪ Distinguished delegates from the US, UK, Russia, Japan and Thailand;
▪ Distinguished Red Army descendants and generals;
▪ Distinguished Party History and Military History experts;
▪ Distinguished Long March researchers, international reportage scholars and writers;
▪ Distinguished Delegates from China Research Institute for International Reportage, representatives from Institute for Long March Spirit, Representative of Preparatory Group of Xiang River Battle Research Institute;
▪ Distinguished representatives from Publicity Department of Guilin Municipal Committee and Guangyang County Council, who supported our symposium.
Good morning ladies and gentlemen, Welcome! And thank you for all the support.
About 80 years ago, tens of thousands of young and ambitious men and women embarked on the long march. They have fought bravely on the land where we’re standing right now and many of them have lost their lives. They’ve fought for the human freedom and liberation, for an establishment of a new China, for not being oppressed and bullied anymore, and maybe simply just for their family no longer being starved. They have endured hardships and sufferings that we could not imagine, made sacrifices that are almost impossible for ordinary people to make. Most of them did not even left a name, but we know who they are --- the red army. What they have accomplished was the world-famous ---- Long march.
About eighty years ago, Edgar Snow, a young American journalist and writer, published his famous reportage masterpiece Red Star Over China in the west, from then on, the word “long march” travelled world-wide and touched people’s hearts. Red Star Over China has set a great example for international reportage, it is a true document and report; Edgar Snow wrote what he saw and heard with passion and the spirit of telling the truth, the work showed his distinct points of view and during the writing and interviewing it was also the process for him to change his thoughts and feelings.
These characteristics are the fundamental merits and distinct features of excellent international reportage. These make the following works classic reportage.
▪ Red Star Over China by Edgar Snow;
▪ The international reportage masterpiece The Long March: The Untold Story completed by Salisbury in his 70s, after re-walked the long march with the heart pacemaker in his body;
▪ The Restraining Hand by Bosshardt from England;
▪ The Northwest Corner of China by Fan Changjiang from China;
▪ Laoshanjie by Lu Dingyi;
All those above reportages converged into records, reports and reminiscences of the literary torrent of the long March, and through them a number of literary monuments were built on the road of long March.
The reasons why these reportages stay alive after the test of time, and still praised and remembered by people today, are not only because they are true and excellent literary works, more importantly, they carved themselves into a great name ---- the long March.
Edgar Snow wrote in Red Star Over China
“The spirit、the strength、the desire、the enthusiasm of the red army’s long march,——is a rich and brilliant essence of human history itself”.
The well-known journalist and writer Salisbury wrote the following in his famous reportage The Long March: The Untold Story:
"China’s Long March of 1934 was no symbol. It was a great human epic which tested the will, courage, and strength of the men and women of the Chinese Red Army".
"No event in this century has so captured the world's imagination and so profoundly affected its future".
"Perhaps, the Chinese would say, in a century or two we may begin to see the Long March in the true historical perspective. For the present, we can view it as China does---an unparalleled act of collective courage, dedication, and hope".
In human history, there have been long marches of all kinds, big and small, but no matter the scale, none of them can compare with the long March of the Red Army. The long March of the Red Army has gone through great hardships and sufferings. They have made through thousands of mountains and rivers, from the snow mountain and grassland and finally made it all the way to the majestic Tiananmen Gate-tower. We saw the picture of Chairman Mao and Edgar Snow on the Tiananmen Gate-tower; and we witnessed establishment of diplomatic relations between China and US, and the resumption of diplomatic relations between China and Japan. We have seen the treaty of Peace and Friendship signed one after another. We are trying to build a community with shared future for humanity. We even saw the launch of a carrier rocket named Long March.
Today we are here to commemorate long march, and to discuss its international significance. We have experts in different fields and academic representatives. We want to thank our international friends who travelled thousands of miles to be with us. We are also going to conduct academic researches and develop a new cultural long march. Our symposium has taken us from Guilin to Xing'an and Guanyang counties, tomorrow we will visit Quanzhou, Ziyuan counties, and the last stop will be Longsheng County. As we visit along these historic sites of the Red Army's Long March and discuss in groups, our journey adds up in distance. It is also a small academic long march to explore the international significance of the Long March spirit.
I believe that with regard to the international significance of the spirit of the Long March, our scholars, representatives and experts will have excellent opinions for discussion. As for my personal understanding towards the long march spirit, I would like to quote the late chairman Mao Zedong:"with determination and sacrifice, we will overcome hardships and strive for victories".
Thank you very much!
中国国际报告文学研究会 长征精神研究院
China Research Institute for International Reportage, Institute for Long March Spirit
The First International Symposium on Long March
Mr. Liu Liqun, Greeting and Introduction of International Guests
▪ 美国纪念斯诺基金会主席,何南盻,Nancy Hill
▪ 美国亚利桑那州立大学教授,史沫特莱研究专家和传记作者,麦金农教授。
▪ 美国著名记者作家安娜·路易斯·斯特朗的侄孙、斯特朗传记的作者,特雷西教授。
▪ 埃里克·福斯特他是一位作家,是海伦·福斯特·斯诺的侄子,海伦·福斯特·斯诺是埃德加·斯诺的前夫人,1937年底,在斯诺访问陕北之后,海伦·斯诺又冒着重重风险,只身一人到陕北采访红军和根据地的人民。
▪ 杨燕飞,俄罗斯莫斯科中俄文化交流中心中国部主任,
▪ 酒井信幸,Sakai Nobuyuki,日本周恩来研究会会长,
▪ 泰国丰顺会馆主席,罗锦蝶先生。
Edgar Snow,
Agnes Smedley,
Anna Louise Strong,
Helen Foster Snow.
1984年,在我国党和国家领导人的亲切关怀和支持下,中国3S研究会在北京成立,邓颖超为名誉会长,黄华为会长。自1984年以来,国内外召开了许多有关3S的研讨会,但是,3S的代表从来没有在一次会议上全部出席和参加。所以,从3S为代表的国际报告文学作家这个意义上来说,我们这次研讨会是一次难得的聚会,我们不仅有3S的代表。还有4S的代表,这第四个S就是Helen Foster Snow。
希望我们这次研讨会能从3S走向4S,从4S走向5S,这第五个S就是美国著名作家《长征:前所未闻的故事》一书的作者,哈里森索尔兹伯里先生Harrison Salisbury 。
从5S走向5S+,也就是 Five S plus. Five S Plus,就是以五S为代表的、努力向世界“讲好中国故事”的许许多多的国际报告文学作家。
Today, there are international guests from four countries, such as America, Russia, Japan and Thailand, attending our first International Symposium of the Long March Spirit.
I will introduce some delegates from these four countries to all of us:
▪ Nancy Hill, President of Edgar Snow Memorial Foundation from the United States
▪ Prof. Mackinnon, expert and biography author of Agnes Smedley and Professor from ASU (Arizona State University)
▪ Prof. Tracy Strong, grandnephew and biography author of Anna Louise Strong
▪ Eric Foster, an author and nephew of Helen Foster Snow, the first wife of Edgar Snow and a lady who completed her difficult and dangerous journey to Northern Shaanxi and conducted a thorough interview of the Red Army and people in the revolutionary base in late 1937 right after her husband’s adventures there.
▪ Ms. Yang Yanfei, Director of the Chinese Department at Sino-Russian Culture Communication Center in Moscow
▪ Mr. Sakai Nobuyuki, Chairman of Research Institute for Premier Zhou Enlai
▪ Mr. Luo Jindie, President of the Hong Soon Association of Thailand
Here it is of particular necessity for me to point out that today we are so honored to have representatives from the Four S. Namely, Edgar Snow, Agnes Smedley, Anna Louise Strong, and Helen Foster Snow.
Back in 1984, China’s Research Institute of 3S was founded in Beijing under the cordial concern and sincere support of leaders of the CPC and the country, with Madame Deng Yingchao serving as its honorary chairman and Mr. Huang Hua as its chairman. Despite that there have been many symposiums on 3S, it is a pity that not all the representatives from 3S ever have been present at any of them. Thus, our symposium today is quite a rare occasion for all the representatives of 3S, on behalf of international reportage authors, to gather together. Actually, we have representatives from the fourth S, that is, Helen Foster Snow.
May our symposium move forward from 3S to 4S and further to 5S, i.e., Mr. Harrison Salisbury, renowned American author of The Long March: the Untold Story.
And let’s make remarkable progress from 5S to 5S+, which means more and more authors of international reportage who are dedicated to telling Chinese stories to the whole world, represented by the 5S.
Finally, I’d like to particularly introduce you two honored guests from China, that is, Mr. An Wei, senior translator and honorary president of Shaanxi Snow Studies Center, and Mr. Sun Hua, director of Edgar Snow Studies Center of China in Peking University. Over the years, they both have done a lot of work to introduce the works of international reportage writers led by 3S, 4S A and 5S into China. On behalf of our symposium, I’d like to extend sincere thanks for their attendance.
Thank you all!

中国国际报告文学研究会 长征精神研究院
China Research Institute for International Reportage, Institute for Long March Spirit
The First International Symposium on Long March
Long March Remarks by Nancy Hill
Hello! Nihao! I’m Nancy Hill, President of the Edgar Snow Memorial Foundation, based in Kansas City, Missouri, hometown of Edgar Snow. I am so grateful to the China Research Institute for International Reportage (CRIIR), especially my new friends Mr. Wang Xiaoben and Mr. Wang Bixia, and my old friend Liu Liqun, for their gracious hospitality to me, my husband Larry, and my colleagues and friends from the Snow Foundation.
We’re delighted to be here and we were happy to host many of you in Kansas City recently for the 18th Edgar Snow Symposium. We had an amazing time and this is a wonderful way to follow it up. Larry and I visited this magical city, Guilin, on our first trip to China in 2012 and we’re thrilled to be back.
Today I want to talk about Edgar Snow’s reportage on the Long March — its significance and its influence in the US and around the world, including inside of China, and how that influence continues to this day. The most comprehensive book about the Long March - at least in the West - is Harrison Salisbury’s 1985 The Long March: the Untold Story. (show book)
Salisbury was a young reporter for the United Press when he first learned about the Long March from reading Edgar Snow’s Red Star Over China. As Salisbury put it: “No other reporter so influenced the prewar (and postwar) generation of American correspondents. I can remember the breathless awe with which I read it page-by-page, gobbling the 592 pages in two sleepless nights of excitement. Nothing gave me such realization of the power and scope of world reporting.” This, from a man who would later win a Pulitzer for his own international reporing.
The power of Edgar Snow’s writing came from his rare gift of understanding both the tactical implications of the Long March, and its profound humanity. Tactically, Snow immediately grasped that the March was "one of the great exploits of military history.” But he also understood that it was a deeply human saga, describing the potent mixture of “adventure, exploration, discovery, human courage and cowardice, ecstasy and triumph, suffering, sacrifice, and loyalty. And through it all, like a flame, an undimmed ardor and undying hope and amazing revolutionary optimism of those thousands of youths who would not admit defeat by man or nature or God or death - all this and more seemed embodied in the history of an odyssey unequalled in modern times.”
Edgar Snow proved to be just the right person to report this epic story to the world. Just 30 years old when he made the difficult and dangerous journey to northern Shaanxi, Snow had already spent seven years in China. He had traveled the vast nation, observing the conditions on the ground, meeting the people, learning the language, and slowly absorbing the cultural and historic complexities of its ancient and enduring civilization.
Snow developed a deep affection for China and for the Chinese people, while observing first-hand the daunting challenges they faced from centuries of internal and external oppression, including colonialism, corruption, and mass famine brought on by drought, floods, and other natural disasters. And now the nation faced relentless and seemingly unchecked encroachment and aggression by the Japanese.
Snow brought this informed empathy and understanding to Bao’an in 1936, where he first learned of the recently ended Long March and carefully recorded the stories of the men and women who had made it. For four and a half months Snow spent countless hours interviewing Mao, Zhou Enlai, and other leaders, as well as individual foot soldiers and peasants. He observed and reported on daily life from the most strategic to the most mundane. He captured not only the facts of the Long March but also the hopes and dreams, the joys and fears, of the brave and determined but otherwise completely ordinary revolutionaries in a way that people around the world could understand. He put a human face on the “Red Bandits” for a global audience.
Inside of China, men and women of all ages read smuggled copies by candlelight of Red Star published under the clever decoy name "Xi Xing Man Ji." In English, these four characters mean “Random Reports from Western China,” a vague and ambiguous way to avoid any mention of the communists. The translation and its necessity highlight the difficult political and historical circumstances in China at that time, and also the ingenuity of Snow and his Chinese colleagues who translated it.
Across the country, Chinese citizens were informed, amazed, and in many cases inspired to join the revolution by Snow’s reporting. On several trips to China I have met older Chinese who first learned of the resistance movement through reading Red Star, in many cases it inspired them to go to Yan’an and join the cause. Very likely there are people in this room who have heard these same stories or even lived that same experience.
Outside of China - from professional reporters like Harrison Salisbury to ordinary citizens in their living rooms - people learned about Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, and the other Red leaders. They learned of the epic Long March that had just ended, and of the Communists’ audacious plan to form a united front against Japanese aggression with the Nationalists – the same Nationalists who were actively trying to exterminate them in the bitter civil war. It’s an extraordinary story and Edgar Snow told it straight – reporting the facts and relaying the leaders’ own stories in their own words, accurately and compellingly as he received them.
At every level, and despite strong anti-communist sentiments in the West, people in the US and around the world began to understand that above all, the Red Army had the strong support of the Chinese people. And in these politically tense days between Washington and Beijing, we would do well to remember that there was a time in the not so distant past that our two countries were allies in the desperate attempt to defeat the Japanese and the other Axis powers in World War II. Edgar Snow’s reportage on the Long March and the Red Army was an early and important part of that coming together.
I was recently told by a presidential historian that Red Star Over China was read carefully and with great interest by US President Harry Truman (another Missouri boy, like Snow). Truman then made it required reading for each and every member of his State Department. Snow’s reporting mattered then and it still matters now.
I’ll close with words of wisdom from my former boss and mentor, Edgar Snow’s close friend, Dr. E. Grey Dimond. Addressing his Chinese hosts in 1976 after a three-week tour with a group of medical students and faculty from Kansas City, Dr. Dimond said:
“We do not flatter ourselves into believing that we 32 citizens from middle USA can move mountains in terms of the well-being of the relationships between our two countries. However, we cannot forget nor underestimate the special role of a handful of Americans in the early life of modern China.
This very small group, comprised of Anna Louise Strong, Evans Carlson, Joseph Stilwell, Agnes Smedley, George Hatem, and Edgar and Helen Snow, must be remembered.
Most of this group were completely private citizens, but they were more powerful than the hundreds of missionaries, the thousands of businessmen, and the tens of thousands of military, who came from the U.S to China.
We cannot hope to fill the immense role played by those great-hearted few who came here in the 1930s and 1940s. But we can at least try.”
Forty-two year later, Dr. Dimond’s words still ring true. So in the spirit of Edgar Snow, and Dr. Dimond, and the rest of the great-hearted few, let’s keep trying. Thank you!

中国国际报告文学研究会 长征精神研究院
第一,“长征”一词,是怎么出现的?1936年,埃德加•斯诺在陕北保安夜复一夜地采访毛泽东,一心想了解毛泽东的生平,但毛泽东却避而不谈个人的故事,一直在谈红军的发展历史。期间谈得最多的,是红军如何在国民党的第四、第五次围剿中遭到惨败,不得不撤离苏区,进行了一次艰苦的、漫长的“战略大转移”。毛泽东在谈话中,不断地重复着“战略大转移”这五个字。斯诺做笔记时,开始用了retreat(撤退),后来又改用了strategic shift(战略转移)。斯诺觉得绕口,问毛泽东:“‘战略大转移’的目的,是北上抗日,经历了一个漫长的、又作战又行军的过程,能否称它为Long March(长征)呢?”毛泽东说:“对,就是一次长征。”这个细节,书上没有写,是海伦•斯诺亲口告诉我的。
我们陕西省斯诺研究中心正式成立于1991年12月25日——这是埃德加和海伦•斯诺的结婚纪念日。我们中心的英文名称是Edgar & HelenSnow Studies Center,斯诺夫妇是一个“二人工作队”,许多工作都是他们一起干的,而且许多点子是海伦出的,不可能单独研究其中一个人而忽视另一个。以《红星照耀中国》为例,这本书是两个斯诺两次西北之行的产物。1937年,埃德加在北平写作《红星》,“朱毛”是这本书的脊梁。但他没见过朱德,在保安采访时,朱德还在长征的路上。西安事变是国共两党第二次合作、促成抗日统一战线的转折点。海伦在1936年10月3日,对张学良进行了独家采访,掌握着西安事变最核心的信息。还有,《红星》一书中的照片,有不少是海伦1937年夏天在延安拍摄的。
我现在彻底退休了,陕西省斯诺研究中心现由西北大学外国语学院院长、著名翻译家胡宗锋教授担任主任,袁西玲副教授担任常务副主任。我们有一支年富力强的翻译队伍,有学识广泛的研究力量。主要活动有翻译出版、学术研究、对外交流、践行斯诺精神。我们设立了“海伦•斯诺翻译奖”和“海伦•斯诺新闻奖”,隔年进行比赛和选拔。我们还与美国的南犹他大学(Southern Utahuniversity 简称SUU)设立了“海伦•斯诺访问学者”项目,每年派遣一位陕西省斯诺研究中心理事会成员去SUU访学。我们在八路军西安办事处纪念馆设立了两个永久性专题展览:《伟大的女性——海伦•斯诺在中国》和《公谊救护队在中国》;今年,我们协助凤县政府,在宝鸡双石铺新建了“中国工合纪念馆”。
中国国际报告文学研究会 长征精神研究院
China Research Institute for International Reportage, Institute for Long March Spirit
The First International Symposium on Long March
Mr. Liu Jin, Greeting
中国国际报告文学研究会 长征精神研究院
China Research Institute for International Reportage, Institute for Long March Spirit
The First International Symposium on Long March
Sakai Nobuyuki, Greeting
Greetings, everyone!
On behalf of Japan Zhou Enlai memorial, I am very honored to be invited to this symposium held by China Research Institute for International Reportage and Institute for Long-March Spirit.
Late prime minister Zhou Enlai was one of the most beloved and respected leaders of China, he helped Mao Zedong built the new China from ashes. He has also made great contributions to the cause of China-Japan friendship with great vision and personal efforts. The long march spirit is the treasure of mankind.
The history of cultural exchanges between China and Japan are nearly 2000 years. The monk Jianzhen attempted 6 times to visit Japan and finally succeeded as he lost his eyesight yet brought new light to Japanese culture. Abe No Nakamaro, and other Japanese missions to Tang dynasty travelled west in the rough sea, whom accomplished their long-march time after time.
The famous silk road that connected Eurasia and eventually come together in Japan was a long-march for ancient humankind.
The cause of China-Japan friendship and cultural exchanging between the two still has a long way to go, but we would like to use the great long-march spirit as a guide, and carry on what our ancestors started, to build a new long-march road for the friendship between two countries.
We are eager for a chance to hold an international long march spirit symposium in Japan with China Research Institute for International Reportage and Institute for Long-March Spirit.
We will be expecting for your visit and it would be our pleasure to have you in Japan with us.
Thank you very much!